Enrique Rodriguez Mahr


Merging Experience and Innovation to Foster Efficiency and Prosperity for All 

Rooted in a trajectory of more than 77 years, 162 branches and 80 service points countrywide, Banco G&T Continental is leading Guatemala’s financial transformation with its innovative digital solutions and its socially and environmentally sustainable practices. 

“Our strategy is based on three fundamentals: continuous innovation, efficiency and sustainability”, assures Mr. Enrique Rodríguez, CEO of Banco G&T Continental and Vice president of Guatemala’s Bank Association. With over 40 years of experience in Guatemala’s financial sector, Rodríguez is the leading force behind the bank’s transformation, a process that has turned this traditional Guatemalan financial institution into one of the most profitable, innovative and solvent in the country. “In the 7 years since I took over, we have tripled our profitability, both in capital and assets,” assures Rodríguez, adding that “having a solvent bank with very good indicators is not only a good business but a value that we offer to our customers.” 

Such a feat is explained by the bank’s particular combination of financial strength, technological innovation and social commitment. Already a solid institution, the bank took a big leap after COVID, when its digital transformation efforts took it from having 20% digital operations to its current 80%, oriented towards a younger population and managed through its website, App, QR, and ACH. Other innovations promoting financial inclusion are its electronic wallet, a free platform where clients deposit cash directly to make online transactions; and the digitalization of its “Agentes Bancarios”, a broad network of more than 1,800 small shopkeepers who perform basic financial transactions such as card payments, utilities and remittances, as well as cash deposits and withdrawals. Over time, these technological solutions have been doubly beneficial, improving the bank by reducing operation times and costs, and people’s lives through better services and new financial opportunities. 

Another key feature of Banco G&T Continental is a strong social and environmental commitment based on public-private collaboration. Not only it was the first institution to fully implement a Social and Environmental Risk Analysis System in its operations in 2016, but it continues to be at the forefront of sustainability with two key programs: GTC Mujer, a financial product focused on women entrepreneurs with more than 9,000 clients and 4,000 credit cards delivered; and GTC Planet, which has issued more than 13,600 green credit cards that encourage clients to plant trees, and guided 7 environmentally responsible real estate developers to certify their projects. 

Moving forward, Banco G&T Continental will expand its services to other cities in the interior, where most of the country’s crucial remittance market arrives. Above all, it will continue to look for new and innovative ways to be more efficient and profitable, so that everybody can benefit. As Rodríguez states, “Guatemala’s banking system is very competitive, but also collaborative; we don’t destroy value among ourselves, but rather learn that there are things that we can do better together than separately.” 

Christian Nölck

General Manager

An Innovative and Humane Insurance Company that Brings Everyone Forward

Seguros G&T has managed to become one of Central America’s largest companies thanks to a wholesome strategy based on constant innovation and dedicated service to both clients and employees. 

Making the most unpleasant moments less unpleasant should be the ultimate goal of every insurance company, and this is precisely what Seguros G&T does with its constantly evolving and people-based services. Whether it is auto insurance, life insurance, home and commercial insurance, bonds, medical expenses or accident protection, G&T Insurance offers specific products tailored to each of its client’s needs and implemented with efficiency and empathy. “Our promise is to provide our customers with agile, easy and memorable experiences”, summarizes Mr. Christian Nölck, CEO of Seguros G&T, insisting that their services go well beyond simply covering a loss: “It’s about getting there quickly when someone has an accident, giving medical clearance when someone has an illness and, since we are dealing with people who are going through a difficult time, giving them peace of mind, a sense of security and protection.”

To achieve this, Seguros G&T emphasizes promoting efficiency and simplifying processes through digitization. With tools like its online platform Yap, clients have access to all-digital operations from the moment of quotation until the policy is issued, translating into more agile, transparent and personalized procedures. For example, besides getting policy assessment and contracts within minutes, customers also get tailored services like its “Insurance by Km”, a car or motorcycle insurance that only charges for the kilometers clients actually use; or “Yapuntos”, a points system giving special privileges to pay their premiums, deductibles, or other insurance or assistance. Seguros G&T also uses non-traditional channels such as Bancassurance, to get advertised through other financial products; mass marketers or public services companies offering a greater customer-base; cooperatives able to reach the population traditional banks can’t access; and its own primary medical services company, CIAM, also offering medical consultation, laboratory tests and pharmacy. 

By providing value-added products and services to its clients, market penetration has expanded considerably, improving by 95% the number of policies issued in a first attempt; as well as its certifications, like the WorldCob Certification for Corporate Social Responsibility, Great Place to Work, and the ISO certification in Quality Management System granted by ICONTEC. And although there is still a long way to go in terms of insurance penetration in Guatemala, Seguros G&T is undoubtedly perfectly positioned to continue innovating and providing the best services that keep moving everyone forward.