The third of the initiatives is service culture, the most important one on an island famous for its friendliness and hospitality. “Due to the pandemic, many workers left hospitality to work in construction, which was booming,” said GVB’s vice president, “so we had to come up with creative solutions for making service greater than it ever was.”
They got creative, developing tech solutions for aspects of service that do not require human interaction and involving community colleges and businesses in training top-level professionals in hospitality. To fund the transformations for fine-tuning service on the island and attracting visitors, GVB maximized its optimal debt capacity by emitting bonds, which have helped unlock growth.
For Perez, Guam’s potential as a tourist attraction is also the key to its internal development and the health of its business sector: “About seventy visitors to Guam support one job in tourism, and the way I see it, we are all in this together, because a growing interest in Guam benefits us all.”
Now, through an ambitious marketing campaign targeting a growing middle class in Asia through influencers, GVB is meeting and surpassing expectations. “There is no other place in the region like Guam, so close via air, with a unique history and an American flavor,” said Perez.